June 12, 2014

Becoming Wise

Getting wisdom is the most important thing you can do. Whatever else you get, get insight.   Proverbs 4:7

Today my youngest celebrated 8th grade graduation, a year end tradition that signifies moving on to high school.

High school! My "baby" will be starting high school in the fall! How did that get here so fast???

It's a mixed bag... seeing him becoming such an awesome young man fills my heart with happiness yet it's tinged with a little heart sting knowing that before I blink the nest will be emptying. Time is both a healer and a thief, and it seems to rush no matter how much we want it to slow down.

Still, the day was a joy! He was recognized for making Honor Roll all year. We had a special lunch after the ceremony with friends. And tomorrow summer break begins!

He is growing up...becoming wiser every day. He is a blessing to me.

That I know. ♡

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