June 03, 2014


Out of the fullness of his grace he has blessed us all, giving us one blessing after another.
John 1:16 

It was a full, busy day. First thing, before the sun was up, I fixed a special breakfast for my youngest - it's exam week and I just love doing that little bit of extra to get the day started right. So far this week the eldest hasn't wanted anything out of the ordinary for breakfast, but tomorrow is his Algebra II exam...we'll see. :)

Next was a coffee shop get together with four of my girlfriends to celebrate the birthday of one of them. It was nice to hang out with them and the coffee was really good. And yes, I had some chocolate to go with it...yum! I could have stayed there all morning.

But, it was off to a meeting for an hour, then back to my desk to continue drawing up floor plans of the building I've been measuring. Turned out I needed to recheck a couple of spots, so off I went again. And a good thing it was...while I was there the building manager asked me for a proposal to do additional work! 

This evening was spent hanging out with the boys...a nice dinner, some time in the garden (first banana pepper picked!), and some time spent knitting on my sweater project.

Another ordinary day...and one full of one blessing after another.

God is good!

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