May 06, 2014


"So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."  Luke 11:9

I have been asking God to bring Godly women of faith into my life lately and twice now I have been in a crowded gathering with a single empty seat beside me, in a room where I knew no one, and just the right person sat down. The first time was during a multi-day conference, in an arena of literally thousands. That was no was a God-incidence! By the end of the event we had become fast friends and several others had joined the circle as well. All of us were from different places but we have kept in touch.

The second time was today. Smaller gathering, but again just the right person sat down. Turns out we have friends in common and we will be getting together again soon.

A simple prayer on my part...and in the unwritten details an unmistakable answer from above. 

God is so good!!

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